1. Please send your tracks using services like: dropbox.com or wetransfer.com (Do not use sendspace or other similar services with speed & download restrictions) or your own server space and send it to the email listed below. You can also use Soundcloud. If you do so, tracks must be downloadable.
2. Send full tracks in good quality mp3 format. Please note: Snippets or incomplete tracks will be discarded.
3. Don’t send separate links for each of the tracks. Your tracks should be inside a .zip or .rar file, including the audio, and info/contacts of artist on a text file.
4. Due to the amount of demos we receive, sometimes it’s not possible to send a detailed reply to all the artists, particularly when it’s not material that fits our labels. You will be definitely contacted if we’re interested, and this usually happens within 2 weeks after demo submission.
5. All demos should be sent to: demos@de-konstrukt.com Please note: We do not accept demos sent through social media messages.
Thanks for your support, and we look forward to listening to your music.